Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When in doubt, just google it.

I'm going to try to take this approach as suggested on one website about thesis writing.

Subject: Landscape architecture

Topic: Investigation on [landscape] architecture's ability to be the connective tissue of two different urban fabrics

Abstract: This topic will investigate how a landscape can start to form a different perceived environment and change one's path and image of the neighborhood. It will challenge [landscape] architecture to integrate distinct urban fabrics of a city in a way that engages the public. Constructing more architecture for public use will not revitalize an area of the city if that architecture does not engage the public.... 
(to be con't)

Methodology: (I'm not sure if this methodology assignment is asking for what steps I will take to complete this project next semseter, or what am I doing now (this semester) to come to my conclusions. However, I will talk about my methodology for this week's assignment fur Thursday.)

I plan on analyzing a figure ground map of Barcelona, taking consideration where the city grid breaks away and forms new interstitial spaces, where it connects with open spaces, where new city fabrics intersect. I'd like to display this information in a 3D representation. Then I'd like to focus in on a particular location and begin to understand the type of people who live there and their neighborhood. 

Some outcomes that I hope to achieve:
-what do these neighborhoods lack when it comes to the "imagineablity" of their environment
-are their particular nodes or paths that are successful? which ones are not?
-what edges/boundaries exist there? can they be broken down?

Maybe the best way to represent this is is through a wire frame model of the city blocks...
Another possibility is through a cast of open|closed space similar to Rachel Whiteread's work...

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