I enjoyed getting my hands dirty for this exercise.
I first created this version of the city grid. It's zoomed into the Diagonal Mar neighborhood. Although I had other plans for this model, the figure|ground made me realize the open space between buildings. While generally speaking, open space is a good thing, the vast amount makes this area of the city seem unfriendly and bare. |
This model of the city helped me reinforce the strong diagonal cuts through the city grid. Furthermore, you can start to zoomin on the relationships of the surrounding neighborhoods of Barcelona--their integration into the grid and their outright rejection of it. |
Laser cutting things can be tedious and super loooooong. |
The left over negative space turned into a flexible Cerda gird. |
The next step is to break this grid apart and start to show how different parts of the city break apart and form their own identity. Unfortunately, the little pieces I was working with are too small. Therefore, more laser cutting awaits...
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